Maggie Frank-Hsu

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Hello, Time to Write Members!

Thanks for signing up for Time to Write, a one-hour writing session on Zoom that happens every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. PT, beginning January 11!

Time to Write is and will always remain free as long as you are a member of my email list. If you're not a member, join here.

Here's a little about who I am, so that you know more about how (and why) I am facilitating Time to Write. I want you to get the most out of the experience! I’m a writer and editor, who has worked with hundreds of writers over the years. I'm also in the middle of writing my second book.

I self-published my first book, Be About Something in 2020, which I wrote to help people who wanted to write but needed help figuring out what they wanted to say and how they wanted to say it.

Ways I work with writers:

Before I started my own business, I was a freelance writer and editor, and worked at magazines like GourmetMartha Stewart Living, and ESPN the Magazine. I graduated from the Columbia School of Journalism in 2006 with a Master’s. I also worked in online marketing for eight years, and I use these two aspects of my experience to help my clients identify their audience as a way to sharpen their writing.

Altogether I lived in New York for about 12 years. But I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles called Alhambra (fun fact: the municipal park is called Granada Park.) (If you don’t know why that fact is fun, google “Alhambra and Granada.”)

I now live in San Diego with my husband, Alan, two children (8 and 5) and two dogs (14 and 1). :D


Where to hear more from me:

I’m looking forward to seeing you at Time to Write! ​

- Maggie

Time to Write Format: Wednesdays, time 9:30 am PT

  1. You log on to Zoom.

  2. At the start of the hour, I greet participants and provide a writing prompt for those who are unsure of how to begin. I also post the prompt in the chat.

  3. We write. (You may come late. You may leave early. I will let you in at any time during the hour—don’t skip because you’re late or you have to leave early.)

  4. Use Zoom chat to message me privately during Time to Write if you have a question.

  5. A few minutes before the hour ends, I will gather us to close. At this time, up to two participants are invited to read what they wrote. I will close the hour with lines from a writer I’m admiring that week.