
Image with a golden hue of mountain range and plants
Mockup Image of Maggie Frank-Hsu's Poetry Chapbook

Poetry chapbook

A Drop in the
Dry Season

Maggie’s debut chapbook, A Drop in the Dry Season, retrieves and sifts through hopes, impulses, intuitions, moments, and memories that have been thrown on the junk heap. Like the women of countless generations and cultures, these poems take leftover hard soil, ceramic curio bits, and the neighbor’s swimming pool and throw them together to make something that sustains us. 

Mockup Image of Maggie Frank-Hsu's Book Be About Something

Be About

With Be About Something, you’ll articulate a Big Idea that is so clear and compelling that you’ll never struggle with writer’s block again. And you can do it in just a couple of hours.

Reader Reviews

"What I’ve read so far has transformed how I think of myself and my business. All my ideas were written on paper but it always felt so daunting to clearly articulate my “big idea.” Putting the “what ifs” aside and really being honest about what I want my business to project has been so liberating. … It has made me feel good and less scared about moving forward. Thank you! "

— T.G.

"Seriously, did you buy the book yet? Here are some of my takeaways: I’m loving the Confidence section because I’m seeing how going public with your Big Idea allows you to prioritize the more impactful work. Being very clear about who you are and what you do helps OTHER people spread the word about you."

— T.S.

"This book is incredible. I’m alternating between crying and laughing and wanting to jump up and down on Oprah’s couch with inspired excitement."

— S.S.

"Maggie helped me identify my roadblocks and once we worked those out it was easier to work through them. As I go forward and write more for my business I will be continuing to remember little tips and techniques Maggie taught me."

— K.F.