Maggie Frank-Hsu

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One Simple Change That Will Make You Feel 100% More Organized

I got this great tip from Cassie Nevitt: Color-code your calendar.

Maybe you already color-code yours--but I bet you don't do it this way.

Cassie's tip was to color-code based on the category of the activity, so that at a glance, you can see the type of week you're going to have and can mentally prepare for it. 

Here's this week for me (I covered up names for privacy's sake): 

This is my coding system: 

  • Blue: self-care

  • Red: Husband not here =  me taking care of all baby-related needs

  • Light Red: Time with husband

  • Orange: Time With family

  • Green: Revenue-generating time

  • Peach: Planning, non-business

  • Gray: Pitching, drumming up business, selling

  • Turquoise: Writing

  • Yellow: Education, planning for my business

  • Lilac: Meeting not otherwise covered 

This color-coding system has changed the way I schedule my time.

For example, blue is my color for "self-care." Whenever I don't see any blue in my week or day, I find a place to shove some blue in to make sure I don't go insane. 

Do you have a color-coding scheme that brings order to your life? Let me know what it is in the comments!