Maggie Frank-Hsu writer and editor working on her laptop in the kitchen
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Decorative Image of  Dark Green Torn Paper
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Decorative Image of Coral, rust colored Torn Paper

Work with Maggie

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Decorative Image of yellow, gold toned Torn Paper
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Manuscript Consultation

  • Manuscript consultation is for you if you’ve written at least 20,000 words of a book and you need specific feedback on how to continue developing the story.

    You submit your work and payment, and Maggie returns feedback to you:
    - comments highlighting elements that are working well and that you can feel confident about.
    - constructive questions to ask yourself as you continue to develop the work.

    You receive edits on the work and a five minute summary video.

    Price: starts at $499, price varies depending on length of manuscript.

  • You deliver 1,500-3,000 words (up to 6 pages). Maggie returns feedback within three days.

    You submit your work and payment, and Maggie returns feedback to you:
    - comments highlighting elements that are working well and that you can feel confident about.
    - constructive questions to ask yourself as you continue to develop the work.

    You receive edits on the work and a five minute summary video.

    Price: $199

Freelance Editing

Maggie has previously worked as an editor at ESPN the Magazine, Gourmet, and Martha Stewart Omnimedia. Hire her to edit your work. 


Maggie will be offering in-person and online classes in 2025.
Sign up for her newsletter to stay updated. 

What clients have said
about working with Maggie:

ESSAY EDITING: “Working with Maggie unlocked so much for me. In fact, I have a friend who is trying to find her voice in her writing. She's very much like me - behind the scenes on a ton of projects, and she's not sure of herself when she writes in her own voice. She reached out to say, "Sara, your voice comes through so strongly in your emails! How do you do it?" And I said, "Honestly, the big thing that helped me was working with Maggie Frank-Hsu...It was like I had to clear the decks and write with her so that I could get to what was meaningful to me and what I really want to say in my business. Without her I would still be hiding." Thank you, Maggie. And to anyone considering hiring Maggie: Don't hesitate. You won't know what you can accomplish until you have the support of someone like Maggie propelling you forward.”

— Sara Frandina, Conversion Copywriter at Sara Frandina Strategies

NAILING DOWN YOUR BIG IDEA: “I just want to thank you, because I feel really really really really proud of that piece that I put out today. It was the first time I want so personal. I feel seen And that feels good. So thank you because I don’t know without your help if I would have actually pushed that one out. Maybe it would have just swirled around in my brain for years. So looking forward to the next one!”

— Sharon Stolt,

BOOK EDITING: “The questions Maggie asks are so incisive, and they jumpstart my writing so that I don’t waste time or get stuck. Her guidance really helps.”

— Jenny Magic, Founder,

ESSAY EDITING: "Hiring Maggie as an editor and coach has had more of an impact on my creative process than I could have imagined. I wouldn't be able to articulate the dense information that I'm delivering with the precision, intention, and focus that I am, without Maggie's help developing a solid framework and clarifying what I'm *actually* saying. Because of the way Maggie nurtures the writing process, by poking holes in my arguments and leaving space for me to connect the dots, I have a deeper understanding of my own work and am better equipped to explain it to others."

— Justine Sones, Stress Management Coach


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