Maggie Frank-Hsu

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Actually, I CAN sum up what I learned in the 2010s in one sentence.

That's 2019.

The key that allows failures to happen without shame. The key that allows for gratitude and appreciation of all that I have and everyone who supported me this year. The key that allowed me to think bigger.

That. Is. It.

PS: OK so, one more thing: the idea in this sparkly photo also allowed me to develop a weekly writing practice this year that set the course for the entire future of my business.

I stopped waiting to be a good writer and started practicing as the writer I am. As a client said to me yesterday, "I don't know if I'm writing about this topic in the best way, but this is how I'm starting."

If you're thinking about writing for your business but you don't want to waste time writing blah, generic stuff that no one notices, click here to book a free clarity call with me.You’ll get 20 minutes of my time, free of charge with no obligation to buy anything. Just 20 minutes to clarify what you want to write for your business. Book here.