Maggie Frank-Hsu

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A HUGE overlooked reason funnels don’t work for most people (and what you can do about it)

I help online business owners earn money with their email lists without being spammy, scammy, or sleazy. 

So many clients and friends have come to me with a great idea - or even a finished product - for an online course they want to sell. They’re smart and special. Their services have changed so many lives for the better. AND they have a unique framework for how they teach what they know. 

But when they’ve tried to sell the course on their own, through some combination of FB ads and email “funnels”, and it’s crickets. No one buys. No one seems to care. Does this mean they should mothball that course and forget about selling online? 

It depends. But there is always another step people miss before they decide whether or not to give up. Wanna know what it is? 

Before you mothball your course, membership, group program, etc, here’s a step you can take: interview. "Yeah, yeah," you say, "interview your clients." 



Find out what to do instead:

See this content in the original post

Don’t just interview past clients. Interview people to whom you tried to sell the course, but they didn’t buy. The truth hurts, but these people are a goldmine of truth! If you signed people up to your list through an FB ad , they were compelled enough to go that far. They have the problem your course solves, but they didn’t buy. Why not? Aren’t you curious? 

How do you interview them without making them defensive? First, start with people you’ve met before, which will make the interview slightly less awkward. 


Second, don’t tell them the interview is about asking them why they didn’t buy. Tell them you want to know more about how they handle the problem your course solves. 


Example: Say you sell a course that helps New Yorkers grow a kitchen garden on their fire escapes. You had a list full of people who said they wished they could do more gardening, so just ask some of those people about how they’re scratching their green-thumb itch. Maybe you thought the problem they were trying to solve was they didn’t think they had enough space for a garden. But maybe you find in your interviews that it turns out the problem was they didn’t have enough time to garden (these are New Yorkers we’re talking about here.) 


Presto, next time you sell the course, you can focus on talking about how it solves the time problem. Or you can revamp the course to address the time problem if it really doesn’t focus on saving time right now. 
